College & Career Ministry

As personal beliefs develop and settle during the college years, Christian young people must wrestle through their own convictions as they stand before God. This ministry exists to help young people stay grounded in God’s Word and in a local church. This is accomplished by knowing, connecting, and serving.

Knowing the Gospel

No matter where you are in your relationship with God, it is our goal to help you take the next step spiritually. Whether you attend weekly Sunday classes, quarterly Bible studies, or attend retreats, we will labor together to help you know and love the gospel in all areas of your life.

Connecting to the Church

The local church is God’s family and community for you to connect with. Throughout the year we plan monthly activities, Sunday evening fellowships, all-nighters, and gym/game nights. Each of these provide a relaxed atmosphere to connect with other young people.

Serving throughout Life

Be filled spiritually and overflow for others! There are countless opportunities to serve others inside and outside the church - sometimes we just need to see them! Throughout the year there are many events for you to serve the church and evangelize unbelievers, including missions trips and service activities which help you take ownership within the body of Christ.

Think of it this way: What kind of tools do you have in your “spiritual tool belt?” When God makes it clear for you to take a spiritual step, will you have the tools to do the job? Join us and begin adding tools to your “spiritual tool belt” to make you more effective for a lifetime of gospel living.