December 21 - 22, 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM

"Wise Men Seek Him"

We would like to invite you to join us for our annual Christmas Reenactment on December 21 or 22. Each evening we will offer free, forty-five minute tours of several scenes depicting the birth story of Jesus Christ. In each scene you will meet individuals who experienced the story first-hand and will hear their personal accounts of the story.

Following your tour, please feel free to join us in our Family Center for holiday cookies, hot chocolate and coffee. While you are there, we would love to take time to answer any questions you may have about our Reenactment and the Bible's story.

If you would like more information about our Reenactment please contact our church office.

We look forwarding to speaking with you at our Reenactment.

- Wayne Burggraff, Senior Pastor


When: Saturday, December 21 and Sunday, December 22, from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Tours will last approximately 45 minutes. While you wait for your tour to begin, we will be showing some Christmas-related videos in our auditorium.

* Please Note: Wait times will vary.

Where: Faith Baptist Church, 220 South 22nd St., Lebanon, PA 17042. Click here for directions

Who: This is a Christmas event for the whole family. The tours are entirely indoors and are handicap accessible.

What happens on the tours?


Christmas movies are available for your family to enjoy while you wait for your tour to begin. When your group’s letter is announced, please make your way to the designated door. A brief video shares the history of our many Christmas Reenactments and expresses our appreciation for your visit. Thank you for spending part of your evening with us.

The Wisemen & The Star

Wisemen gather to discuss their recent discovery of a new star. How did this star go unnoticed? Could this star be a sign that something significant is about to happen? Should they journey to discover what this star might be intended to reveal?

The Families & The Friends

Families and friends in Bethlehem busy themselves with routine tasks. How do they feel about the Roman influence on their children? Is everyone opposed to Roman control? Will the Messiah’s arrival change their future? Will the young family find a place to stay?

The Wisemen & The King

Servants recount recent events at Herod’s palace in Jerusalem. Why did the Wisemen choose to visit Herod? Why did they tell him their thoughts about the star? How did Herod react to the news of another king of the Jews? Did Herod help the Wisemen?

The Parents & The Shepherds

Joseph shares what happened the night his son was born. What did the shepherd’s witness in the fields? How did they know where to find the baby? Do the new parents realize the importance of their son’s arrival? How did Mary react to everything that happened that evening?

The Wisemen & The Savior

Wisemen finally reach the child, Jesus. Why did they travel so far to find him? How did they react when they entered his home? How did his family respond to what Jesus did throughout his life? How will you respond to what Jesus did through his death?

Thank You

Refreshments and hot beverages are available for your family. Please feel free to stay as long as you would like. Members of our church are roaming the area and are willing to answer any of your questions. As you leave, please accept a small gift as our way of thanking you for joining us this evening.